Tech Savvy Seniors - Hornsby - Ku-ring-gai Community College
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Tech Savvy Seniors

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Introduction to cyber safety: how to stay safe online

You want to get onto the internet, but are worried that it’s not safe. You want to understand and recognise the threats the internet might present, the measures you can take to avoid them, and the tools available to protect you and your computer. What you'll need: An internet-connected laptop or desktop computer What you'll learn: This workshop covers the basics of internet security: the things that can potentially go wrong and the simple steps you can take to avoid them. Note:... [More]
$0 Limited
Introduction to cyber safety: how to stay safe online

<p>You want to get onto the internet, but are worried that it’s not safe. You want to understand and recognise the threats the internet might present, the measures you can take to avoid them, and the

$0 Limited
Introduction to cyber safety: how to stay safe online

<p>You want to get onto the internet, but are worried that it’s not safe. You want to understand and recognise the threats the internet might present, the measures you can take to avoid them, and the


Introduction to Smartphones

In his workshop, you will learn the basics of how to navigate your way around a smartphone with a touchscreen. You will learn how to turn the phone on and off, make and receive calls, add a contact and look up a contact, and change the volume on the phone. You will also learn briefly about apps, what they are, how to download them, and the costs associated with them. What you’ll need to bring: An internet-connected smartphone An existing Apple account (or Apple ID), for downloading... [More]
$0 Limited
Introduction to Smartphones

<p>In his workshop, you will learn the basics of how to navigate your way around a smartphone with a touchscreen. You will learn how to turn the phone on and off, make and receive calls, add a contact


Introduction to Transport Apps (NSW)

In this workshop you’ll learn what an app is, and how to use three different transport apps for trains, buses and other forms of public transport to get around. We’ll look at three of the more popular apps in this workshop: Transport for NSW Trip Planner Opal Travel Moovit It is important to note that here are other transport apps available, with similar functions, that you are able to investigate via Note this class is for seniors aged over 60.... [More]
$0 Limited
Introduction to Transport Apps (NSW)

<p>In this workshop you’ll learn what an app is, and how to use three different transport apps for trains, buses and other forms of public transport to get around. <br/>We’ll look at three of the more


Introduction to Online Shopping and Banking - Part I

SHOPPING AND BANKING ON THE WEB You no longer need to head to the bank branch to perform every transaction, and you can buy just about anything you need online without ever stepping outside your door. You can transfer money, pay bills, buy groceries and other goods, and even make all your travel arrangements online. WHO IS THIS WORKSHOP FOR? You know that you can shop, bank and pay bills online, and are interested to learn more and try it yourself. You want to know how to find... [More]
$0 Limited
Introduction to Online Shopping and Banking - Part I


You no longer need to head to the bank branch to perform every transaction, and you can buy just about anything you need online without ever stepping


Computer Beginners

Hardly touched a computer and want to learn? Our patient, caring teachers are very experienced at making ‘computer phobic’ learners comfortable with using a computer. This course will take you from how to use a mouse, explain how things work, learn how to open and shut down computers and programs. HKCC has received funding to run low-fee courses for Seniors 60+ under the Tech Savvy Seniors Program – a NSW Government initiative in partnership with Telstra. Pre-requisite None Outcome... [More]

Introduction to Email Part 1

Email is one of the fundamental internet technologies, a tool used by nearly every person with an internet connection. It allows you to –at no cost – send a letter of unlimited length to one person, or many people at once. It arrives almost instantly, and they can reply straight away. Setting up your own email account will allow you to communicate with people you know in ways you never thought possible. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN This workshop covers the basic steps you need to help keep in... [More]

Introduction to Smartphones - Android

In his workshop, you will learn the basics of how to navigate your way around a smartphone with a touchscreen. You will learn how to turn the phone on and off, make and receive calls, add a contact and look up a contact, and change the volume on the phone. You will also learn briefly about apps, what they are, how to download them, and the costs associated with them. What you’ll need: An internet-connected smartphone An existing Google account (or Google ID), for downloading apps... [More]

Introduction to Smartphones - iPhone

In his workshop, you will learn the basics of how to navigate your way around a smartphone with a touchscreen. You will learn how to turn the phone on and off, make and receive calls, add a contact and look up a contact, and change the volume on the phone. You will also learn briefly about apps, what they are, how to download them, and the costs associated with them. What you’ll need: An internet-connected smartphone An existing Apple account (or Apple ID), for downloading apps to... [More]

Introduction to Social Media - Part 1

WHAT TO USE AND WHEN The internet helps you stay in touch with friends and loved ones. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter let you see what’s happening in the lives of friends, and allows you to let them know what’s going on in yours. Other tools like YouTube and Flickr allow you to share videos and photos with them (and the world). Finally, there are tools like Skype that let you know when people are online and talk to them in an instant – and for free. WHO IS THIS... [More]

Introduction to Video Calling

Video calling (using Zoom and Skype) **OVERVIEW ** Video calling is an additional way to connect with friends and family as well as participate in activities, events and appointments from a distance. The aim of this workshop is to teach people how to use common video calling applications in safe and appropriate ways. WHO IS THIS WORKSHOP FOR? Seniors who would like to learn how to use video calling and test it out in a safe environment. HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE This training guide... [More]