Introduction to cyber safety: how to stay safe online
<p>You want to get onto the internet, but are worried that it’s not safe. You want to understand and recognise the threats the internet might present, the measures you can take to avoid them, and the

<p>You want to get onto the internet, but are worried that it’s not safe. You want to understand and recognise the threats the internet might present, the measures you can take to avoid them, and the

Introduction to Smartphones
<p>In his workshop, you will learn the basics of how to navigate your way around a smartphone with a touchscreen. You will learn how to turn the phone on and off, make and receive calls, add a contact
Introduction to Transport Apps (NSW)
<p>In this workshop you’ll learn what an app is, and how to use three different transport apps for trains, buses and other forms of public transport to get around. <br/>We’ll look at three of the more
Introduction to Online Shopping and Banking - Part I
You no longer need to head to the bank branch to perform every transaction, and you can buy just about anything you need online without ever stepping

Computer Beginners
Introduction to Email Part 1
Introduction to Smartphones - Android
Introduction to Smartphones - iPhone
Introduction to Social Media - Part 1
Introduction to Video Calling