BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills - Hornsby - Ku-ring-gai Community College
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BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills

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Barista Basics - Operations

To claim NSW Government funding* under the Adult Community Education (ACE) and Targeted Skills for Small Business (TSB) Programs**,** please contact us on 9482 1189, email,

or complete the online enrolment form:

*This training attracts full NSW Government funding under the Adult Community Education (ACE) and Targeted Skills for Small Business (TSB) Programs, if you meet the following eligibility criteria:

• Are an AUS citizen, permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder, or a NZ citizen
• 15 years or older
• Live or work in NSW
• No longer at school or equivalent

AND (ONE of the following for ACE)

• Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
• Receiving government benefits or are a dependent of someone who does
• Living with a disability 
• Dependent of someone with a disability
• Low language, literacy, numeracy or digital skills 
• Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) 
• Unemployed, working part-time, or returning to work 
• Experiencing financial hardship 
• Facing personal challenges (e.g., family/domestic violence, recovery from addiction, or involvement with the justice system)
• Aged 15-24 and at risk of not continuing education or finding a job
• Did not complete Year 12 or equivalent
• TSB funding stream (For small business owners or employees)

Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate II in Workplace Skills BSB20120.
  • Work effectively in business environments (BSBOPS201)
$0 Limited
Barista Basics - Operations

<h4 id="header-this-short-course-includes-technical-barista-skills-training-week-2---35-


This course attracts full NSW Government funding* under the Adult Community Education (ACE) and Targeted Skills for Small Business (TSB) Programs.  Please contact us on 9482 1189, or email to check eligibility.

Alternatively, please complete the online enrolment form.

If you are not eligible the fee is $400.


• Are an AUS citizen, permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder, or a NZ citizen
• 15 years or older
• Live or work in NSW
• No longer at school or equivalent

AND (ONE of the following for ACE)

• Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
• Receiving government benefits or are a dependent of someone who does
• Living with a disability 
• Dependent of someone with a disability
• Low language, literacy, numeracy or digital skills 
• Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) 
• Unemployed, working part-time, or returning to work 
• Experiencing financial hardship 
• Facing personal challenges (e.g., family/domestic violence, recovery from addiction, or involvement with the justice system)
• Aged 15-24 and at risk of not continuing education or finding a job
• Did not complete Year 12 or equivalent
• TSB funding stream (For small business owners or employees)

Barista Basics - Communication Essentials

To claim NSW Government funding* under the Adult Community Education (ACE) and Targeted Skills for Small Business (TSB) Programs**,** please contact us on 9482 1189, email,

or complete the online enrolment form:

*This training attracts full NSW Government funding under the Adult Community Education (ACE) and Targeted Skills for Small Business (TSB) Programs, if you meet the following eligibility criteria:

• Are an AUS citizen, permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder, or a NZ citizen
• 15 years or older
• Live or work in NSW
• No longer at school or equivalent

AND (ONE of the following for ACE)

• Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
• Receiving government benefits or are a dependent of someone who does
• Living with a disability 
• Dependent of someone with a disability
• Low language, literacy, numeracy or digital skills 
• Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) 
• Unemployed, working part-time, or returning to work 
• Experiencing financial hardship 
• Facing personal challenges (e.g., family/domestic violence, recovery from addiction, or involvement with the justice system)
• Aged 15-24 and at risk of not continuing education or finding a job
• Did not complete Year 12 or equivalent
• TSB funding stream (For small business owners or employees)

Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate II in Workplace Skills BSB20120.

BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills

Course Information This qualification reflects the role of individuals in a variety of entry-level Business Services job roles. This qualification also reflects the role of individuals who have not yet entered the workforce, and are developing the necessary skills in preparation for work. These individuals carry out a range of basic procedural, clerical, administrative or operational tasks that require self-management and technology skills. They perform a range of mainly routine... [More]
Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate II in Workplace Skills BSB20120.
  • Contribute to the health and safety of self and others (BSBWHS211)
  • Develop and apply thinking and problem solving skills (BSBCRT201)
  • Apply communication skills (BSBCMM211)
  • Use digital technologies to communicate in a work environment (BSBTEC202)
  • Plan and apply time management (BSBPEF202)
  • Use business software applications (BSBTEC201)
  • Participate in sustainable work practices (BSBSUS211)
  • Work effectively in business environments (BSBOPS201)
  • Deliver a service to customers (BSBOPS203)
  • Work effectively with others (BSBTWK201)

Office Applications

This course provides practical skills and knowledge in essential office applications. You will learn to create, manage, and share documents using business software, while also developing foundational writing skills for workplace communication. The course includes the following units of competency: BSBTEC201: Use business software applications BSBWRT311: Write simple documents These units form part of the BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills and BSB30120 Certificate III in... [More]
Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate III in Business BSB30120.