Stories Hornsby - Ku-ring-gai Community College


Italian Student

Pasquale Vartuli

I joined an Italian Class at HKCC in 2022 , for Saturdays, with my wife , Margie.
I was not a good student, even though we had an exceptional teacher.
My problem was that I still remembered – resented more like – when I was forced to attend Italian classes, on a Saturday, when I was still at school! When I retired form the workforce in Nov 2024, I decided to learn Italian, properly this time, so when the course was available on Wednesdays , I immediately enrolled , as I now could attend Wednesday classes .
I am hamstrung by the fact that my family, when I was growing up, only spoke the Calebrese dialect , which is not proper Italian.
I am now on my way to speak proper Italian, so that I can “tell off” my relatives and other nosey people in the village I was born in , in 1957 -Arena , in Calabri.